%0 Journal Article %T Formation of Soil Science neologisms Formaci¨®n de neologismos en Ciencia del Suelo Forma o de neologismos em Ci¨ºncia do Solo %A Jaume Porta %A Dar¨ªo Villanueva %J Spanish Journal of Soil Science %D 2012 %I Universia %R 10.3232/sjss.2012.v2.n2.06 %X Since the IUSS Rome Congress in 1924, where the scientific community decided to use the expression Soil Science instead of Pedology or Edaphology, criteria for the formation of new words in Spanish concerning the study of the soil have not been established. New terms in English are formed by giving priority to the Greek root ????? in front of the root ??????. This criterion does not take into account the fact that in Greek the term ????? refers to the soil we walk on and not to the soil where plants grow, which is expressed by the term ??????. This paper proposes criteria based on etymological, semantic and pragmatic linguistics for the formation of new or the equivalent of English soil-related words in Spanish. The analysis is based on: authorities in this field; etymological elements; aspects of phonetic and orthographic ambiguity; the equivalences between similar terms in English, Spanish and French; the usage of the expression at university level, by soil societies, and by scientific journals; and on aspects of linguistic good taste in certain geographic areas of Spanish language. The scope of this paper is not to contest the use of terms already in existance, recognizing that there may be strongly entrenched terms in some countries having Spanish as their own language. These terms should be referred to as varieties for a particular geographical area according to the specific regional Spanish semantics in America. Desde el Congreso de Roma de 1924, en el que la comunidad cient¨ªfica decidi¨® utilizar la expresi¨®n Soil Science en lugar de Pedology o Edaphology, no se ha llegado a establecer criterios para la formaci¨®n en espa ol de neologismos referentes al estudio del suelo. En ingl¨¦s, los nuevos t¨¦rminos se forman dando prioridad a la ra¨ªz griega ????? frente a la ra¨ªz ??????. Este criterio, que se ha consolidado con el uso, no tiene en cuenta que en griego el t¨¦rmino ????? se refiere al suelo sobre el que se anda y no al suelo en el que crecen las plantas, expresado por el t¨¦rmino ??????. En el presente trabajo, desde una perspectiva etimol¨®gica, sem¨¢ntica y de pragm¨¢tica ling¨¹¨ªstica, se proponen criterios para la formaci¨®n de neologismos en espa ol o al establecer equivalencias en espa ol de voces introducidas en ingl¨¦s. El an¨¢lisis se basa en voces de autoridad; en elementos etimol¨®gicos; en aspectos de ambig¨¹edad fon¨¦tica y ortogr¨¢fica; en la revisi¨®n de equivalencias entre t¨¦rminos similares en espa ol, ingl¨¦s y franc¨¦s; en el ¨¢mbito universitario; en la denominaci¨®n de las sociedades y revistas cient¨ªficas; y en aspectos de buen gusto idiom¨¢tico %K Edaphology %K pedology %K terminology %K Edafolog¨ªa %K pedolog¨ªa %K terminolog¨ªa %K Edafologia %K pedologia %K termonologia %U http://sjss.universia.net/pdfs_revistas/articulo_258_1342182584765.pdf