%0 Journal Article %T Sustainable agricultural practices for Mediterranean olive grove. Effect of soil management on soil properties Uso sostenible de suelos de olivar. Efecto del manejo del suelo en sus propiedades Uso sustent芍vel de solos de olival. Influ那ncia das t谷cnicas de maneio nas suas propriedades %A Olga Mar赤a Nieto %A Juan Castro %A Emilia Fern芍ndez-Ondoˋo %J Spanish Journal of Soil Science %D 2012 %I Universia %R 10.3232/sjss.2012.v2.n1.05 %X The olive is one of the most important crops grown in the Mediterranean region, both in terms of total surface area and its socioeconomic and environmental impact. In the present work, the main soil parameters of olive groves under different management systems are compared to an uncultivated area. Soil samples were collected and analysed from native vegetation (NV) and olive groves under three different soil management systems: conventional tillage (T), no-tillage bare soil (NT) and cover crop (CC). The groves (T, NT, and CC) increased the calcium carbonate content in the uppermost part of the soil profile with respect to NV. The lowest calcium carbonate concentrations were recorded in the top few centimetres of NV soil, with concentrations increasing with depth, while in the cultivated soils, no depth-related variations were found. The results showed an accumulation of soil organic carbon (SOC) in the shallowest soil layer resulting in a high stratification value in the NV; however, this diminished in the cultivated soil and particularly in the tilled plots. The plots under these types of soil management also presented the lowest SOC, nitrogen, potassium and C/N values. CC was the soil management system that showed the best soil properties. Our results indicate that using cover crops and eliminating tillage practices significantly improve soil quality in Mediterranean olive groves. El olivo es uno de los cultivos m芍s importantes en la regi車n mediterr芍nea, tanto por la extensi車n que ocupa como por su impacto econ車mico, social y medioambiental. En este trabajo se comparan los principales par芍metros del suelo en un olivar bajo distintos manejos del suelo con un 芍rea natural donde no se ha implantado el cultivo. En concreto, se recogieron y analizaron muestras de suelo bajo vegetaci車n nativa (NV), suelo de olivar labrado (T), parcelas en no laboreo con suelo desnudo (NT) y parcelas con cubierta vegetal espont芍nea (CC). El cultivo (T, NT y CC) increment車 el contenido de carbonato c芍lcico en los primeros cent赤metros. Las concentraciones m芍s bajas se registraron en los primeros cent赤metros de la NV, donde adem芍s se observaron incrementos con la profundidad, mientras que en los suelos cultivados no se apreciaron diferencias con la profundidad. Los resultados mostraron una acumulaci車n del carbono org芍nico del suelo (SOC) en las capas m芍s superficiales, que dio lugar a un valor de estratificaci車n muy alto en NV y que disminuy車 en los suelos cultivados, especialmente en los que recibieron un pase de labor. La parcela T present車 adem芍s los valores m芍s bajos de SOC %K Native vegetation %K tillage %K no-tillage %K cover crop %K soil organic carbon %K Vegetaci車n nativa %K laboreo %K no laboreo %K cubierta vegetal %K carbono org芍nico del suelo %K Vegeta o nativa %K lavoura %K n o lavoura %K coberto vegetal %K carbono organico do solo %U http://sjss.universia.net/pdfs_revistas/articulo_244_1331746727390.pdf