%0 Journal Article %T The C-seal trial: colorectal anastomosis protected by a biodegradable drain fixed to the anastomosis by a circular stapler, a multi-center randomized controlled trial %A Ilsalien S Bakker %A Annelien N Morks %A Henk O ten Cate Hoedemaker %A Johannes G M Burgerhof %A Henri G Leuvenink %A Rutger J Ploeg %A Klaas Havenga %J BMC Surgery %D 2012 %I BioMed Central %R 10.1186/1471-2482-12-23 %X The aim of this study is to evaluate the efficacy of the C-seal in reducing anastomotic leakage in stapled colorectal anastomoses, as assessed by anastomotic leakage leading to invasive treatment within 30£¿days postoperative.The C-seal trial is a prospective multi-center randomized controlled trial with primary endpoint, anastomotic leakage leading to re-intervention within 30£¿days after operation. In this trial 616 patients will be randomized to the C-seal or control group (1:1), stratified by center, anastomotic height (proximal or distal of peritoneal reflection) and the intention to create a temporary deviating ostomy. Interim analyses are planned after 50% and 75% of patient inclusion. Eligible patients are at least 18£¿years of age, have any colorectal disease requiring a colorectal anastomosis to be made with a circular stapler in an elective setting, with an ASA-classification < 4. Oral mechanical bowel preparation is mandatory and patients with signs of peritonitis are excluded. The C-seal student team will perform the randomization procedure, supports the operating surgeon during the C-seal application and achieves the monitoring of the trial. Patients are followed for one year after randomization en will be analyzed on an intention to treat basis.This Randomized Clinical trial is designed to evaluate the effectiveness of the C-seal in preventing clinical anastomotic leakage.NTR3080Anastomotic Leakage (AL) is the most important complication after colorectal surgery and leads to high rates of morbidity, prolonged hospitalization, commonly requires re-interventions, and can result in death [1].The incidence of AL varies in the literature between 4 and 20% [2-6]. This considerable variation may be due to the fact that different definitions are used. The International Study Group of Rectal Cancer (ISGRC) proposed a standardized definition for AL according to clinical grading [7]. AL is defined as a defect of the intestinal wall at the anastomotic site leading t %U http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2482/12/23