%0 Journal Article %T Protein stickiness, rather than number of functional protein-protein interactions, predicts expression noise and plasticity in yeast %A Leandra M Brettner %A Joanna Masel %J BMC Systems Biology %D 2012 %I BioMed Central %R 10.1186/1752-0509-6-128 %X We find that protein ¡°stickiness¡±, measured as network degree in ostensibly low quality yeast two-hybrid data, is a more predictive genomic metric than the number of functional protein-protein interactions, as assessed by supposedly higher quality high throughput affinity capture mass spectrometry data. In the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, a protein¡¯s high stickiness, but not its high number of functional interactions, predicts low stochastic noise in gene expression, low plasticity of gene expression across different environments, and high probability of forming a homo-oligomer. Our results are robust to a multiple regression analysis correcting for other known predictors including protein abundance, presence of a TATA box and whether a gene is essential. Once the higher stickiness of homo-oligomers is controlled for, we find that homo-oligomers have noisier and more plastic gene expression than other proteins, consistent with a role for homo-oligomerization in mediating robustness.Our work validates use of the number of yeast two-hybrid interactions as a metric for protein stickiness. Sticky proteins exhibit low stochastic noise in gene expression, and low plasticity in expression across different environments.A protein that functionally interacts with many other proteins may be more sensitive to noise in gene expression [1]. In agreement with this prediction, a negative correlation between noise and protein-protein interaction (PPI) degree has been found [2,3]. However, PPI datasets are notorious for high rates of false positive and false negative interactions [4-7]. Older high throughput datasets rely on yeast two-hybrid (Y2H) studies, which can measure interactions between two proteins that would never even encounter each other in nature. More recently, high throughput affinity capture mass spectrometry (ACMS) data have become available [8], which do not suffer from this drawback and subsequent high false positive rate.Y2H data may indicate the non-specific ¡° %K Protein-protein interaction networks %K Stochastic gene expression %K Evolutionary constraint %K Correlomics %K Cooperativity %K Phenotypic plasticity %U http://www.biomedcentral.com/1752-0509/6/128