%0 Journal Article %T La col﹞laboraci車 publicoprivada en la provisi車 d*infraestructures de servei p迆blic. Revisi車 cr赤tica i alternatives al marc regulador actual Public-private - Collaboration in the Provision of Public Service Infrastructure: a Critical Revision and some Alternatives to the Current Regulatory Framework - La colaboraci車n p迆blico-privada en la provisi車n de infraestructuras de servicio p迆blico. Revisi車n cr赤tica y alternativas al actual marco regulador %A Joan Ridao Martin %J Revista Catalana de Dret P迆blic %D 2012 %I Escola d'Administraci車 P迆blica de Catalunya %X L*actual emerg豕ncia de la col﹞laboraci車 publicoprivada en la provisi車 d*infraestructures de servei p迆blic 谷s conseq邦豕ncia de les tensions de tresoreria de les administracions p迆bliques. Els avantatges d*aquesta t豕cnica es concreten en el di角leg entre el sector p迆blic i el sector privat per consensuar el finan ament i l*execuci車 de projectes, la bona relaci車 qualitat-preu i el tractament en termes de comptabilitat p迆blica, que determina un nul impacte en el deute. Els inconvenients, tanmateix, se centren en el deficient marc regulador europeu i estatal, tant en mat豕ria de contractaci車 com d*incentius a la captaci車 d*actius financers. Cal, doncs, un nou marc normatiu que afavoreixi l*estructuraci車 adequada dels projectes, els contractes i l*esquema de distribuci車 de riscos, com tamb谷 que prevegi incentius a la participaci車, aclareixi els mecanismes de pagament i, en particular, millori la definici車 del nou contracte de col﹞laboraci車 entre el sector p迆blic i el sector privat i, en concret, de la f車rmula del di角leg competitiu com a procediment d*adjudicaci車. The current emergence of public-private collaboration in the provision of public service infrastructure is plan, to provide for incentives to participation, and to clarify payment mechanisms. In particular, such a framework is necessary in order to improve the definition of the new private sector-public sector collaboration contract, and, concretely, the definition of the formula for competitive dialogue as a mechanism for awarding contracts. a consequence of the pressure on the liquid assets held by public authorities. The advantages of this technique come to the fore through public-private sector dialogue aimed at reaching a consensus on the financing and execution of projects, a good quality-price ratio and a way of dealing with such projects in terms of public accounting, which has no impact on the debt. The disadvantages, nonetheless, are to be found in the deficient European and national regulatory framework, both with respect to hiring and with regard to incentives for attracting financial assets. A new regulatory framework is needed, then, to promote the proper structuring for projects, contracts and a risk distribution plan, to provide for incentives to participation, and to clarify payment mechanisms. In particular, such a framework is necessary in order to improve the definition of the new private sector-public sector collaboration contract, and, concretely, the definition of the formula for competitive dialogue as a mechanism for awarding contracts. La actual emergencia de la colaboraci車 %K Col﹞laboraci車 publicoprivada %K contracte de col﹞laboraci車 entre el sector p迆blic i el sector privat %K concessions d*obres o serveis %K di角leg competitiu %K equilibri economicofinancer. %U http://revistes.eapc.gencat.cat/index.php/rcdp/article/view/109