%0 Journal Article %T "King archie, who was quite grouchy" - a vocal dysphonia health education project O rei Sebasti o que era muito resmung o %A Maria Ros¨¢rio Dias %A C¨¢tia da Silva Pedrosa %J Revista CEFAC %D 2013 %I CEFAC Sa¨²de e Educa??o %X PURPOSE: one major cause of dysphonia can be linked to the presence of vocal folds nodules - a condition commonly seen in children due to vocal misuse and/or vocal abuse. The present health education project, also directed to parents and educators, aims at making children (the project's chief target-population) aware of how to make a correct use of their voice. METHOD: the target population includes parents, educators and children from both sexes and aged between five and eight years old. RESULT: a health education initiative was developed, which main instrument consists in a children's literature book, supplemented by an interactive CD. The instrument relies on a simple and easy-to-follow story where the issue of child dysphonia is addressed. CONCLUSIONS: the developed health education instrument is substantial for its chief target-population; it works as a suitable vehicle for promoting, in children, access, sensibility and awareness regarding aspects of one's voice one should be attentive to. %K Dysphonia %K Voice Disorders %K Speech Therapy %K Voice Training %U http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S1516-18462013000100020