%0 Journal Article %T Chemical composition of rainwater captured in an oil refinery %A Geraldo Monteiro de Carvalho#1 %A Luciane P. Costa monteiro#2 %A Fernando B. Mainie %J International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology %D 2013 %I Seventh Sense Research Group Journal %X ith increasing pressure from society and environmental agencies of industries and other sectors that use natural resources, especially water, it is necessary to develop new technologies to minimize water abstraction and effluent discharge in water bodies. An alternative to reduce these environmental impacts is the capture of rainwater, especially in regions of high rainfall. However, in regions with intense industrial activity, the presence of air pollutants can impair the quality of water collected. Oil refineries have great polluter potential, generating several pollutants such as NH3, SOx, NOx. In this context, this work aims studying the feasibility of capturing rain water in an oil refinery, both for industrial use and for non-potable use. Rainwater collectors were developed and subsequently some contaminants were analyzed in the water collected. Analytical techniques such as ion chromatography,atomic absorption and potentiometry were selected for the determination of pH, conductivity, ammonia, sulfate, nitrate, chloride and metals such as aluminum, calcium, magnesium and sodium. %K Water %K rainwater %K pollutants %K oil refinery %U http://www.ijettjournal.org/volume-4/issue-3/IJETT-V4I3P220.pdf