%0 Journal Article %T Implementing an Enhanced and Reliable OFDM Communication System Using SDR %A Vemareddy.Vinodkumar1 %A Siripalli.Leelaran %J International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology %D 2013 %I Seventh Sense Research Group Journal %X IN this development OFDMA scheme is projected for multi-user wireless communications with precise application in all domains. A condensed complexity software implementation of the procedure is anticipatedand discussed in this project. Both the interoperability and adaptability among modulation operational modes of the OFDM systems is supported. Here, straight-line method is studied and implemented in method employing radix-2 decimation-in-time fast Fourier transform (FFT) algorithms. %K Two major problems associated with data communications over terrestrial wireless channels %U http://www.ijettjournal.org/volume-4/issue-2/IJETT-V4I2P208.pdf