%0 Journal Article %T Remote Tracking and Breaking System for Vehicles %A P. Rohitha %A P. Ranjeet Kumarm %A K.Anjaneylu %A Prof.T.Venkat Narayana Rao %J International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology %D 2013 %I Seventh Sense Research Group Journal %X The recent world is reeling under a immense traffic in both rural and urban cities. Here in this paper we have proposed to control the traffic issue presently observed in cities dealing large population and inadequate infrastructure. Now a days road safety enforcement and traffic regulation is very difficult. To overcome this problem the interface is designed in this paper is cost effective, efficient and easy to implement on already existing vehicles. Consider a city or town, which is divided into physical zones, which are classified according to different speed ranges. A transmitter is placed at all exit and entry points of the interface of zones that transmits a message signal at carrier frequency, indicating the upper limit value of the zone speed range into which the vehicle is entering at that moment. The receiver, which gives the message as an input to a preprogrammed microcontroller, embedded within the automobile, which compares the speed of the vehicle measured by a sensor at the maximum allowable speed and automatically regulates the speed of the vehicle. The speed of the vehicle can be varied by varying the ˇ°duty cycleˇ± of the pulse input. The entire system is a low cost variable electronic speed governor, small and easy to assemble onto an existing vehicle without disturbing its present arrangement %K Zones %K Microcontroller %K transmitter %K receiver %K speed %U http://www.ijettjournal.org/volume-4/issue-3/IJETT-V4I3P238.pdf