%0 Journal Article %T Morphometric Analysis of Shaliganga Sub Catchment, Kashmir Valley, India Using Geographical Information System %A Mohd Iqbal1 %A Haroon Sajjad1 %A F.A. Bhat 2 %J International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology %D 2013 %I Seventh Sense Research Group Journal %X The quantitative analysis of drainage system is an important aspect of characterization of watersheds. Using watershed as a basic unit in morphometric analysis is the most logical choice because all hydrologic and geomorphic processes occur within the watershed. Shaliganga Sub catchment comprises of two watersheds with a total area of 354 km2 and has been selected for the present study. Various linear parameters (Stream order, Stream number, Stream length, stream length ratio, Bifurcation ratio, Drainage density, Texture ratio, Stream frequency) and shape factors (Compactness coefficient, Circularity ratio, Elongation ratio, Form factor) of the Sub catchment were computed at watershed level. This was achieved using GIS to provide digital data that can be used for different calculations %K Morphometric analysis %K GIS %K Shaliganga %K linear parameters %K areal aspects. %U http://www.ijettjournal.org/volume-4/issue-1/IJETT-V4I1P202.pdf