%0 Journal Article %T A Case of Confluent and Reticulated Papillomatosis Mimicking Pitriasis versicolor %A G¨ırlevik Z et al. %J Konuralp Tip Dergisi %D 2012 %I D¨ızce University %X Confluent and reticulated papillomatosis (CRP) which is also known as Gourgerot-Corteoud Syndrome is an unusual condition. The etio-pathogenesis is still unclear. This disease is mostly affecting female gender. The most common location for the CRP is on the intermammary and interscapular areas. We presented the case of a male patient with CRP resembling Pityriasis versicolor. The patient was treated with azitromycin and topical retinoid. We observed a good response to azitromycin. %K Confluent and reticulated papillomatozis %K Pitriazis versicolor %K azithromycin. %U http://www.konuralptipdergi.duzce.edu.tr/dosya/sayi4_2/08-KTD-2010-08-08-PROOF-OLGU-pitriyazis-versikoloru-taklit-eden-papillomatosis-S_39-41.pdf