%0 Journal Article %T Verbs Expressing Wish and Their Modality Features in Modern English %A Sevil Elchin Gurbanova %J International Journal of English Linguistics %D 2012 %I %R 10.5539/ijel.v2n6p80 %X In this article the study of the modality features of verbs expressing wish in modern English is carried out. Modality is a semantic-grammatical category which expresses the attitude of the speaker to the discourse. It is frequently targeted for its subjectivity, meaning and contextual expressions. Modality features of verbs expressing wish has been thoroughly researched, the latest achievement of different linguists on this topic have been investigated. A new approach on modality of the verbs expressing wish has been given in the result of the article. %U http://www.ccsenet.org/journal/index.php/ijel/article/view/22594