%0 Journal Article %T SISTEMATIZATION OF THE CRANIAL Vena cava IN BUFFALOS (Bubalus bubalis bubalis _ SIMPSON, 1945) SISTEMATIZACI¨®N DE LA VENA CAVA CRANEAL EN B¨²FALOS (Bubalus bubalis bubalis - SIMPSON, 1945) %A Adelmar Afonso de Amorim J¨²nior %A Marleyne Jos¨¦ Afonso Accioly Lins Amorim %J Revista chilena de anatom¨ªa %D 2002 %I Scientific Electronic Library Online %X The almost complete lack of knowledge of the anatomical characteristics of this race allows us, here, to study the circulatory system in relation to the veined drainage of the large systemic venous trunks _ the cava system. In the literature many reports can be found on the arterial vascular pattern in several areas of the body in domestic animals as well as in savages; conversely, there is a shortage of pertinent data on the veined vascular pattern. For the present work 25 animals were utilized with the object of dissecting and systemizing the vessels, animals were fetuses with ages of between 5 and 9 months, 15 being females and 10 males. In the cranial vena cava the following origin tributaries were observed: External right and left jugular veins and their collateral tributaries; the internal right and left jugular veins; the mediastinial and pericardial; the internal right and left thoracic; thymic; the right and left subclavian and the right and left costocervicalvertebral venous trunk, and occasionally the thoracic duct. Existe un escaso conocimiento de las caracter¨ªsticas anat¨®micas del sistema circulatorio del b¨²falo (Bubalus bubalis bubalis) con respecto al drenaje venoso de los grandes troncos venosos sist¨¦micos, como el sistema cava. Sin embargo, pueden encontrarse en la literaratura muchos relatos del modelo vascular arterial, en varias ¨¢reas del cuerpo de animales dom¨¦sticos y salvajes; pero son pocos los datos del modelo vascular venoso. Utilizamos 25 fetos de b¨²falos (Bubalus bubalis bubalis) con edades entre 5 y 9 meses, 15 hembras y 10 machos, con el objetivo de sistematizar los grandes vasos venosos que conforman la vena cava craneal. En la vena cava craneal se observaron las siguientes venas tributarias: Venas yugulares externas derecha e izquierda y sus colaterales; yugulares internas derecha e izquierda; mediast¨ªnicas y peric¨¢rdicas; tor¨¢cicas internas derecha e izquierda; t¨ªmica; subclavias derecha e izquierda y los troncos venosos costocervicalvertebrales derecho e izquierdo y, algunas veces, el conducto tor¨¢cico. %K Vena cava craneal %K Vena cava caudal %K B¨²falo %K Anatom¨ªa %K Cranial vena cava %K Caudal vena cava %K Buffalo %K Anatomy %U http://www.scielo.cl/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0716-98682002000300011