%0 Journal Article %T MORPHOQUANTITATIVE STUDY OF AGING OF THE GUINEA PIG'S MYENTERIC PLEXUS COLLUM ESTUDIO CUANTITATIVO DEL ENVEJECIMIENTO EN EL PLEXO MIENT¨¦RICO DEL CERDO DE GUINEA %A Nilton Alves %A Edson Aparecido Liberti %J Revista chilena de anatom¨ªa %D 2002 %I Scientific Electronic Library Online %X Applying the NADH technique in the myenteric plexus' collum of young and aged guinea pigs, we have studied the morphology of ganglions and neurons, the number and arrangment of neurons and the profile area of neuronal bodies. Ganglions preferentialy elongated or without a defined morphology were observed in five collum segments (proximal, intermediate proximal, medial, intermediate distal and distal). There were no important differences in this aspect from one segment to another, whether in the same age group or between the two studied groups. It has also been observed the presence of relatively small ganglions containing a reduced number of neurons and big ganglions containing a high number of these cells. The neurons were more compacted in the ganglions of the individuals from the younger group, while the majority of ganglions from the individuals of the aged group were more equally divided. Neurons mainly roundish and oval were found in both groups, neurons with the cytoplasmic contour greatly altered could be observed in various ganglions of aged animals. Concerning the area of cellular profile, the majority of neurons of both groups were found in the interval between 101 and 300 ¦Ìm2. Based on the determination of the fragment's area of each collum division, the density of neurons for cm2 was estimated, as well as the total neuronal density, in which the individuals of the aged group was aproximately 46% smaller than that of the individuals from the younger group Aplicandolat¨¦cnicadelNADH en el plexo mient¨¦ricode cerdos j¨®venesyadultos,estudiamos la morfolog¨ªa de los ganglios y neuronas, el n¨²mero y disposici¨®n de las neuronasy el ¨¢reade contornodelos cuerpos neuronales. Encincosegmentosobservamos ganglios preferentementeelongadoso sinuna morfolog¨ªadefinida. No hab¨ªandiferencias importantes entre uno y otrosegmento, enel mismo grupo etario o entre los dos gruposestudiados. Se observ¨® tambi¨¦n la presenciade gangliosrelativamente peque osconteniendoun reducidon¨²merosde neuronasy grandes gangliosconun alto n¨²mero deesas c¨¦lulas. Las neuronasestaban m¨¢scompactadasen los gangliosde los individuosdel grupo m¨¢s joven,mientras que la mayor¨ªade los gangliosen los individuosdel grupoadultofuerondivididos m¨¢s equilibradamente. Neuronas redondeadasu ovales se encontraron en ambos grupos; y en varios ganglios de animales adultos se observaron neuronas con el contorno citoplasm¨¢tico ampliamente alterado.Con relaci¨®n al ¨¢rea de contornocelular,la mayor¨ªa de las neuronasde ambos grupos, fueron encontrados en un intervalo entre 101 y 300 ¦Ìm2. Basadosen el ¨¢readel fr %K Anatom¨ªa %K Plexo mient¨¦rico %K Cerdo de guinea %K Anatomy %K Myenteric plexus %K Guinea pigs %U http://www.scielo.cl/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0716-98682002000200002