%0 Journal Article %T N-[3a-(4-Bromophenyl)-8b-hydroxy-6,8-dimethoxy-3-phenyl-2,3,3a,8b-tetrahydro-1H-cyclopenta[b]benzofuran-1-yl]formamide monohydrate %A Emmanuel Aubert %A Fr└d└ric Thuaud %A Nigel Ribeiro %A Laurent D└saubry %J Acta Crystallographica Section E %D 2013 %I International Union of Crystallography %R 10.1107/s1600536812049641 %X In the title compound, C26H24BrNO5,H2O, a synthetic analogue of natural flavagline, the cyclopentane ring adopts an envelope conformation (the flap atom bearing the phenyl group) and the vicinal phenyl and bromophenyl groups are slightly shifted relative to each other [CPh!C!C!CPhBr = 36.3 (2)<]. Intramolecular N!H...O and C!H...O hydrogen bonds form S(5) motifs. In the crystal, the organic and the water molecules are linked by an O!H...O hydrogen bond. Pairs of organic and water molecules, located about inversion centers, interact through O!H...O hydrogen bonds, forming R44(20) and R44(26) motifs, which together lead to C22(9) motifs. The crystal packing is also characterized by N!H...O and C!H...O hydrogen bonds between neighbouring organic molecules, forming R22(10) and R22(18) motifs, respectively. %U http://scripts.iucr.org/cgi-bin/paper?S1600536812049641