%0 Journal Article %T Poly[(μ4-3-carboxypyrazine-2-carboxylato)(μ4-nitrato)dilithium] %A Wojciech Starosta %A Janusz Leciejewicz %J Acta Crystallographica Section E %D 2013 %I International Union of Crystallography %R 10.1107/s1600536812050738 %X In the title compound, [Li2(C6H3N2O4)2(NO3)]n, the two symmetry-independent LiI ions are each in a trigonal¨Cbipyramidal coordination and are bridged by N,O-bonding ligands, forming molecular ribbons propagating in [010]. Each LiI ion is also coordinated by two O atoms from nitrate ions, connecting the ribbons into a three-dimensional network. Very strong intramolecular O¡ªH...O hydrogen bonds occur between the carboxyl and the carboxylate group. %U http://scripts.iucr.org/cgi-bin/paper?S1600536812050738