%0 Journal Article %T Notes on the accentuation of Star evi ¡¯s grammar %A Helena Dela£¿ %J LAHOR : £¿asopis za Hrvatski kao Materinski, Drugi i Strani Jezik %D 2010 %I HFD (Croatian Philological Society) %X The author explores to what degree and in what way the neo tokavian accentual system is represented in a grammar that was written early in the nineteenth century with an intention to be a grammar of the ¡°literary¡± language, not a grammar of a single dialect. The accentuation of The New Illyrian Grammar is considered diachronically, especially in relation to the normative endeavors and accentual legacy of Karad i and Dani i . The focus of the paper are the morphological accentual patterns of verbs. The paper determines the overlap (or lack thereof) between Dani i ¡¯s eastern neo tokavian accentuation and the western neo tokavian accentuation of The New Illyrian Grammar. The author provides information on a number of examples and categories that appear as codified or current variants in standard Croatian pronunciation. %K Croatian accentuation %K ime Star evi %K grammar %K codification %K language use %U http://hrcak.srce.hr/file/97343