%0 Journal Article %T THE MORPHOBATHYMETRIC FEATURES OF THE CUCIULAT LAKES (S LAJ COUNTY) AND THEIR WATERSĄŻ PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS %A Csaba HORVATH %A Stefan BILASCO %A Victor SOROCOVSCHI %J Lakes reservoirs and ponds %D 2010 %I Romanian Limnogeographical Association %X The lake units analyzed in this study are located in the Purc re -Boiu Mare plateau, specifically in the formerly Cuciulat quarry (Salaj County). To the origin of the two lake basins, have contributed mostly anthropogenic factors and to a smaller extent natural ones. The lakes formed next to the quarry are significantly influenced by the spoil bank: this can be seen in the lakesĄŻ form, in their bathymetry and also in some of their physical characteristics. The identification of the lakesĄŻ morphobathymetric features and of the watersĄŻ physical characteristics relied on measurements taken in the summer of 2009 (August 17). In the field, we used a Hannah HI 9828 multiparameter instrument to measure the watersĄŻ physical characteristics and a GPS to pinpoint the measurementsĄŻ position. Also for the depth measurements, because they are shallow lakes, besides the GPS, we used a Seechi disk. To capture the best possible spatial variation of the mentioned characteristics, we used interpolation as modeling method. %K lake bathymetry %K Cuciulat quarry %K watersĄŻ physical characteristics %U http://www.limnology.ro/Lakes/2010/201004211.pdf