%0 Journal Article %T SIRIU RESERVOIR, BUZAU RIVER (ROMANIA) %A Daniel Constantin DIACONU %J Lakes reservoirs and ponds %D 2008 %I Romanian Limnogeographical Association %X Siriu reservoir, owes it`s creation to the dam built on the river Buzau, in the town which bears the same name. The reservoir has a hydro energetic role, to diminish the maximum flow and to provide water to the localities below. The partial exploitation of the lake, began in 1984; Since that time, the initial bed of the river began to accumulate large quantities of alluvia, reducing the retention capacity of the lake, which had a volume of 125 million m3. The changes produced are determined by many topographic surveys at the bottom of the lake. %K river %K accumulation %K sediments %K bathymetric %K basin %U http://www.limnology.ro/Lakes/2008/20081215.pdf