%0 Journal Article %T Atomi e individui %A Virchow %A Rudolf %J Laboratorio dell'ISPF %D 2010 %I Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche %X The Italian translation of R. Virchow¡¯s conference of 1859 "Atome und Individuen". Virchow¡¯s emphasis on the federal structure of the biological individual as composed of "cell-territories" supersedes the previous cellular atomis, and can be considered as a turning point in the establishment of a modular approach to the organism. %K Individuality %K Cell theory %K Organism %K Modularity %K History of medicine %K Cancer %K Cell territories %U http://www.ispf.cnr.it/file.php?file=/ispf_lab/documenti/saggi_2010_02.pdf