%0 Journal Article %T Eleonora de Fonseca Pimentel: morire per la rivoluzione %A Maria Rosaria Pelizzari %J Storia delle Donne %D 2009 %I Firenze University Press %X Eleonora de Fonseca Pimentel, poetess, scholar of jurisprudence, natural and mathematical sciences, at first, was an enthusiastic supporter of Ferdinand IV of Burbon¡¯s enlightened politics reforms. After the French Revolution and the radical change of Neapolitan government policy, much more illiberal and repressive, she was an active protagonist of 1799¡¯ Revolution and founded the ¡°Neapolitan Republic¡±. Editor of Monitore napoletano , she was a free, courageous, journalist, committed in changing of ¡°Neapolitan plebs¡± into ¡°Civil people¡±. At fall of Republic, she showed herself fearless in meeting the death on the scaffold. Up to the Eighties of XXth century, her final sacrifice has been represented by Virile woman¡¯ image, as a praise for meaning an extraordinary, and intellectually like a man, woman. Today writers represent Eleanor like a ¡°Modern heroin¡±, far by nineteenth-century Virile woman¡¯s characters. Intellectual virtues do not seem to be sexed any longer: they belong to men and to women at the same time. %U http://ejour-fup.unifi.it/index.php/sdd/article/view/2815