%0 Journal Article %T Principles of the design of urban space that support rail systems from the aspect of urban elements and elements of the relief ; Na ela za oblikovanje urbanih prostorov, ki podpirajo tirni ne sisteme, z vidika urbanih elementov in elementov reliefa %A Milo£¿ Kopi£¿ %A Na£¿a Kurtovi£¿ Foli£¿ %J Geodetski Vestnik %D 2011 %I Association of Surveyors of Slovenia %X Pri multimodalnem pristopu k uravnote eni zastopanosti oblik javnega in zasebnega prevoza tirni ni sistemi prispevajo k re itvi prometnih te av v modernih mestih. Njihovo uvajanje v urbane enote omogo a urbano transformacijo, ki lahko z racionalno rabo energije, zmanj anjem hrupa in onesna enosti zraka, zmanj anjem prometne gne e, socialno integracijo na javnih mestnih prostorih, funkcionalnostjo urbanih enot in privla nostjo urbane oblike prispeva k mestu, ki je trajnostno in prijazno za bivanje. Prostorske elemente tirni nih sistemov je mogo e spraviti v ustrezno razmerje z urbanimi elementi in elementi reliefa. Z oblikovanjem odnosov med temi elementi na ravni javnih mestnih prostorov, in sicer na podlagi arhitekturnih na el, je mogo e oblikovati funkcionalne urbane enote posebne oblike in urbane zasnove. Cilj dela je ugotoviti, kako je mogo e spraviti navedene elemente v prostorski odnos, da bi javni mestni prostori, ki vsebujejo tirni ne sisteme, prispevali k funkcionalnosti in privla nosti za bivanje prijazne in trajnostne urbane oblike. Cilj je tudi ugotoviti, kako konfiguracijo terena, z vsemi njenimi elementi, spraviti v proces digitalnega projektiranja urbanih prostorov, ki vsebujejo tirni ne sisteme ; In the multimodal approach to a balanced representation of public and private transportation, rail systems contribute to the solution to the problem of traffic in modern cities. The introduction of these systems in urban units enables the creation of urban transformations that can contribute to livable and sustainable cities, through the rational use of energy, reduction of noise and air pollution, reduction of traffic jams, social interactions in public spaces, functionality of urban totalities and the attractiveness of the urban form. Spatial components of rail systems can be related with the urban elements and the elements of landscape. Through relating these elements at the level of public spaces, and based on architectural principles, it is possible to create functional urban totalities of specific form and urban design. The objective of this study is to determine the way in which these elements can be spatially related in order to enable the contribution of public areas containing rail systems to the attractiveness of livable and sustainable urban form. The objective is also to establish criteria based on which the configuration of terrain with all its elements will be introduced into the process of designing urban spaces that include rail systems. %K Urbani prostori %K tirni ni sistem %K trasa %K geomorfologija %K relief %K dizajn %K Urban spaces %K rail system %K route %K geomorphology %K landscape %K design %U http://www.geodetski-vestnik.com/55/4/gv55-4_726-749.pdf