%0 Journal Article %T Izku nje velikega lastnika in zasebnega sektorja geodezije v projektu obve anje : Experiences of large real estate owners and private sector of surveying in the information of test property value calculation project %A Matja£¿ Grilc %A Andrej Mesner %A Marijana Vugrin %J Geodetski Vestnik %D 2011 %I Association of Surveyors of Slovenia %X V lanku je opisana raziskava o obravnavi lastnine velikih lastnikov v projektu obve anja. Oblikovan je bil vzorec sedmih lastnikov, ki jih lahko opredelimo kot reprezentativne predstavnike glede na lastnosti nepremi nin v njihovi lasti in vrsto lastni tva. Na vzorcu teh sedmih lastnikov so bila obravnavana razmerja med njihovimi internimi evidencami in podatki registra nepremi nin ter opredeljene te ave, s katerimi so se sre evali med obve anjem o poskusnem izra unu vrednosti nepremi nin. V vzorec je bilo uvr enih 26.792 sestavin nepremi nin, kar pomeni 0,4 % vseh sestavin nepremi nin v registru nepremi nin. Neskladja so bila uvr ena v tiri sklope, podane so zna ilnosti teh sklopov. V lanku je predstavljena tudi vklju itev zasebnega sektorja v projekt obve anja. Rezultati analiz ka ejo, da je vzrok za ve ino zaznanih neskladij odnos do lastnine, in sicer odnos do lastnine vsakega posameznika in na e dru be kot celote ; This article describes an examination of the property of large real estate owners in the Information of Test Property Value Calculation project. A pattern of seven owners has been made, which can be considered representatives of property, considering the characteristics of their property and the type of ownership. Based on this pattern, the relationships between their internal records and the real estate registry database have been analysed, and problems that occurred during the informing of the test property value calculation have also been noted. The pattern consisted of 26,792 constituent parts of real estate, which represents 0.4% of all the real estate parts noted in the real estate registry. Discrepancies have been divided into four sets, and characteristics of these sets have also been given. The article also presents the inclusion of the private sector in to the information process. Analysis results show that the cause of most of the detected discrepancies is the lack of responsibility of owners towards their property. %K floor ownership %K guardian of state property %K information of test property value calculation %K ownership %K owner %K real estate registry %K property value %K private sector %K dr avni upravljavec %K eta na lastnina %K lastninska pravica %K lastnik %K obve anje o poskusnem izra unu vrednosti nepremi nin %K register nepremi nin %K vrednost nepremi nine %K zasebni sektor %U http://www.geodetski-vestnik.com/55/2/gv55-2_349-365.pdf