%0 Journal Article %T Natural resources of Kor ula Island %A Kristina Krklec %A Igor Ljubenkov %A Aleksandra Bensa %J Geoadria %D 2011 %I University of Zadar %X In this paper, the authors analyse geological, geomorphological, soil, climate, hydrological and phytocenological characteristics of the Island of Kor ula. The island is built of limestone and dolomite of Cretaceous age, covered with terra rossa and Quaternary sands. Morphologically, the relief of the island is characterized by interleaving of hills and fields, and indented coastline. There are a large number of soil units (calcocambisol, red, colluvium, reddish black soil, and rigoled soil of fields and terraces). The island is characterized by Csa type of climate (Mediterranean climate with mild winters and hot and dry summers). There are no surface water flows, and there is only one permanent source of drinking water of a small capacity. In vegetation and bioclimatic terms Kor ula Island belongs to the Mediterranean vegetation region. There are two distinct vegetation zones on the island: Steno-Mediterranean and Eu-Mediterranean. Natural resources are limited, and therefore their exploitation should be consistent with sustainable development. With respect to this fact, the guidelines for the future development of the Island of Kor ula are proposed. %K Kor ula Island %K natural resources %K sustainable development %U http://hrcak.srce.hr/index.php?show=clanak&id_clanak_jezik=106875