%0 Journal Article %T The impacts of soils erosion coused by forest harvesting and the construction of forest roads %A Alfred Lako %A Oltion Marko %J International Journal of Forest, Soil and Erosion %D 2012 %I GHB's Journals %X In the forests of our country, mainly extended in mountainous and extremely mountainous terrains, there are a lot of factors having an active impact in the soil degradation, starting from the natural (steep relief) and human ones (abusive and unchecked human interventions in the forest ecosystem); technical factors (the low level of work techniques in forests) and finally but very significant the financial factors (obvious lack of capital investments). In this study there are taken into consideration, dealt and recommended ways and necessary measures in the fight, avoidance or minimization phenomenon in the forest land. %K forest %K techniques in forest %K relief %U http://www.ijfse.com/index.php/IJFSE/article/view/34