%0 Journal Article %T Revistas cient¨ªficas para la conservaci¨®n en Latinoam¨¦rica: una necesidad, un compromiso y una oportunidad para la regi¨®n %A Jos¨¦ F Gonz¨¢lez-Maya %A Amancay A Cepeda %A Diego Z¨¢rrate-Charry %A Sergio A. Balaguera-Reina %J Latin American Journal of Conservation %D 2010 %I ProCAT %X Conservation biology in Latin America is a rapidly developing science showing considerable progress in the number and quality of efforts. However, several fundamental issues remain that would further advance these efforts, including information availability and transfer, as well as improving science-to-decision making links. The need for conservation biology journals and diffusion media fills a part of this gap becoming an urgent need for the region, but also represents a compromise and opportunity in terms of growing, science strengthening, scientific links and strong decision-making, all looking forward towards the construction of a real basis for management and conservation, and supported by strong and reliable science, in order to retain and preserve the biological and cultural richness of our amazing continent. To address in part one of these issues, we have in initiated the Latin American Journal of Conservation to provide an opportunity for improving growth and information transfer of science-based information on conservation biology in the region. %K Conservation Biology %K Decision-making %K Latin America %K Science %K Planning %U http://www.procat-conservation.org/casillero7/Gonz%C3%A1lez-Maya%20et%20al.%20RLC%281%291_5-8.pdf