%0 Journal Article %T Categor¨ªa V - Paisajes Protegidos de UICN: una herramienta para el manejo de zonas de amortiguamiento Neotropicales %A Jos¨¦ F Gonz¨¢lez-Maya %A Amancay A Cepeda %A Ren¨¦ R P¨¦rez %A Mauricio Jos¨¦ Caj¨ªna %J Latin American Journal of Conservation %D 2010 %I ProCAT %X Biodiversity conservation in Latin America depends on maintaining and adequately managing both protected areas and the areas that surround them as Buffer Zones. In order to achieve this goal, we propose that the guidelines for Protected Landscape/Seascape, Category V of IUCN Protected Areas Category System, are directly applicable to the planning, design and management of tropical Buffer Zones. Using the IUCN guidelines provides a strong theoretical and conceptual framework to support the inclusion of these areas in the National Protected Areas Systems of the tropical countries. %K Management %K Protected Landscapes/Seascapes %K Planning %K BZ %K Influence Zone %U http://www.procat-conservation.org/casillero7/7%20-%20Gonz%C3%A1lez-Maya%20et%20al.%20RLC1%281%29_9-17.pdf