%0 Journal Article %T MACROMYCETES OF REGIONAL LANDSCAPE PARK ¨DTILIGULSKIY¡¬ (ODESSA AREA) %A Babenko O. A. %A Tkachenko F. P. %J B¨¬olog¨¬£¿nij V¨¬snik Mel¨¬topol£¿s£¿kogo Der£¿avnogo Pedagog¨¬£¿nogo Universitetu ¨¬men¨¬ Bogdana Hmel£¿nic£¿kogo %D 2012 %I Bogdan Chmelnitskiy Melitopol State Pedagogical University %X The information about macromycetes of Tiligulskiy regional landscape park is reported. In total, we registered 47 species of 32 genera, 17 families, 6 orders in 2 classes (Pezizomycetes and Agaricomycetes). Taxonomical and ecological trophical analysises of mycobiota were performed. 17 species were added to the macromycetes composition of the park. Agaricus devoniensis, A. langei, A semotus, Disciseda bovista, Geastrum campestre, G. minimum, G. schmidelii, Clitocybe fragrans §ä§Ñ Pleurotus eryngii are new species of the Right_Bank Steppe. %K macromycetes %K species composition %K Tiligulskiy regional landscape park %U http://ojs.mdpu.org.ua/index.php/biol/article/view/2012.2.1/76