%0 Journal Article %T THE ALGAE OF LITTORAL SALT MARSHES OF THE MOLOCHNIY LIMAN LEFT BANK %A Yaroviy S.O. %A Solonenko A.M. %A Yarovaya T.A. %J B¨¬olog¨¬£¿nij V¨¬snik Mel¨¬topol£¿s£¿kogo Der£¿avnogo Pedagog¨¬£¿nogo Universitetu ¨¬men¨¬ Bogdana Hmel£¿nic£¿kogo %D 2011 %I Bogdan Chmelnitskiy Melitopol State Pedagogical University %X Data on algae floristic spectrum of coastal salt marshes of the left bank of Molochny liman were presented. Thealgae diversity was presented by four compartments: Cyanophyta, Chlorophyta, Bacillariophyta, and Xanthophyta. Theregistered algae belong to 15 orders, 20 families, and 27 genera. The Cyanophyta algae were the dominant in exploredsalt marshes, counted 56% from total discovered species. The schematic algae structure of left bank salt marshes ofMolochniy liman was performed, some algae macroscopic accrescences on salt marshes surface were revealed,dominant algae families, dominant and most abundant algae species were defined. %K algae %K salt marshes %K Molochniy liman %U http://www.nbuv.gov.ua/portal/Chem_Biol/Bvmdpu/2011_1/Yaroviy.pdf