%0 Journal Article %T A Framework for Active Objects in .NET %A Dan Mircea Suciu %A Alina Cut %J Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai : Series Informatica %D 2010 %I Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca %X Nowadays, the concern of computer science is to find new methodologies that help decomposing large programs and run them efficiently onto new parallel machines. Thus, the popularity of concurrent object-oriented programming has increased proportionally with the market requirements of concurrent and distributed systems that meet simplicity, modularity and code reusability. The purpose of this paper is to define a class library based on Active Object pattern introduced in [LAV96], which has a high level of extensibility. Class library's main objective is to help in building concurrent object-oriented applications with a minimum effort and using a significant amount of already existing code. This approach addresses the problem of integrating concurrency with object-oriented programming and respects the principles imposed by them. In order to present the main features of our model a sample application is presented. %U http://www.cs.ubbcluj.ro/apps/reviste/index.php/studia-i/article/view/15