%0 Journal Article %T COENOTICAL CHAINS OF ACER PLATANOIDES AND QUERCUS ROBUR IN THE FORESTS OF NOVGOROD-SEVERSKOYE POLESYE %A Skliar V. G. %J B¨¬olog¨¬£¿nij V¨¬snik Mel¨¬topol£¿s£¿kogo Der£¿avnogo Pedagog¨¬£¿nogo Universitetu ¨¬men¨¬ Bogdana Hmel£¿nic£¿kogo %D 2012 %I Bogdan Chmelnitskiy Melitopol State Pedagogical University %X We summarized information on association of small undergrowth of Norway maple (Acer platanoides L.) and English oak (Quercus robur L.) under the canopy of the forest with plants that form the grass-shrub layer within Novgorod-Severskoye Polesye. We founded that the association at certain extent depends on the type of population behavior of undergrowth and grasses. Small undergrowth of A. platanoides being the tolerant species according to the type of population behavior demonstrates negative association with the herbs that have high competitive ability. The pattern of association of A. platanoides with tolerant species depends on their vegetative mobility: the maple has positive association with species with no vegetative mobility and positive and negative association with species characterized by high extent of vegetative mobility. The undergrowth of Q. robur which is the competitive species due to population behavior shows positive association with the herbs that have high competitive ability. We estimated the coenotic parameters that are required for successful resumption of maple and oak in the region of research. We also shown that coenotic optimum for A. platanoides corresponds to the environment with weak intensity of competition in the living soil cover with thin grass layer and density of coverage does not exceed 50%. Q. robur has coenotic optimum among habitats in the herbaceous layer with domination of green moss and (or) Convallaria majalis L., Fragaria vesca L. with no grains and density of coverage in living ground cover not more than 60%. %K natural restoration %K undergrowth %K association of species %K morphological parameters %K Novgorod-Severskoye Polesye %U http://www.ojs.mdpu.org.ua/index.php/biol/article/view/549/490