%0 Journal Article %T LEAD POISONING OF WATERFOWL AS INDICATORS OF WATER POLLUTION BY HEAVY METALS %A Zhmud M.E. %A Koshelev A.I. %J B¨¬olog¨¬£¿nij V¨¬snik Mel¨¬topol£¿s£¿kogo Der£¿avnogo Pedagog¨¬£¿nogo Universitetu ¨¬men¨¬ Bogdana Hmel£¿nic£¿kogo %D 2011 %I Bogdan Chmelnitskiy Melitopol State Pedagogical University %X The occurrence of lead shot in waterfowl gizzards, surveyed in 1969-1985 years was considered in the south ofWestern Siberia and in the southern Ukraine. The gastric contents were investigated of 1722 birds of 13 species. ForMallard, Garganey, Eurasian Teal, and Common Pochard the lead shot was detected in the coastal areas of theDanube Delta. Maximum infestation was registered for Garganey (33,3%) and Common Pochard (25,0%). Theresults are compared with data for other European countries. The necessity and effectiveness of interventions aimedat reducing the extent of lead contamination of waterfowl was discussed. %K waterfowl %K lead shot %K lead poisoning %K bioindication %U http://www.nbuv.gov.ua/portal/Chem_Biol/Bvmdpu/2011_2/Zhmud.pdf