%0 Journal Article %T An Improved Constraint Based Resource Scheduling Approach Using Job Grouping Strategy in Grid Computing %A Payal Singhal %A Ravinder Singh %A Pinky Rosemarry %J International Journal of Grid Computing & Applications %D 2013 %I Academy & Industry Research Collaboration Center (AIRCC) %X Grid computing is a collection of distributed resources interconnected by networks to provide a unified virtual computing resource view to the user. Grid computing has one important responsibility of resource management and techniques to allow the user to make optimal use of the job completion time and achieving good throughput. It is a big deal to design the efficient scheduler and is implementation. In this paper, the constraint based job and resource scheduling algorithm has been proposed. The four constraints are taken into account for grouping the jobs, i.e. Resource memory, Job memory, Job MI and the fourth constraint L2 cache are considered. Our implementation is to reduce the processing time efficiently by adding the fourth constraint L2 cache of the resource and is allocated to the resource for parallel computing. The L2 cache is a part of computer¡¯s processor; it increases the performance of computer. It is smaller and extremely fast computer memory. The use of more constraint of the resource and job can increase the efficiency more. The work has been done in MATLAB using the parallel computing toolbox. All the constraints are calculated using different functions in MATLAB and are allocated to the resource based on it. The resource memory, Cache, job memory size and job MI are the key factors to group the jobs according to the available capability of the selected resource. The processing time is taken into account to analyze the feasibility of the algorithms. %K Grid Computing %K Job Scheduling %K Resource Scheduling %K Constraint %K Cache %U http://airccse.org/journal/ijgca/papers/3412ijgca03.pdf