%0 Journal Article %T THE SPATIAL ORGANIZATION OF SODDY-LITHOGENIC SOILS ON THE GREY-GREEN CLAYS %A Zadorozhna G. O. %J B¨¬olog¨¬£¿nij V¨¬snik Mel¨¬topol£¿s£¿kogo Der£¿avnogo Pedagog¨¬£¿nogo Universitetu ¨¬men¨¬ Bogdana Hmel£¿nic£¿kogo %D 2012 %I Bogdan Chmelnitskiy Melitopol State Pedagogical University %X On geostatistical analysis of soil penetration resistance some the three types of pedons were determined which constitute the spatial organization of the soddy-lithogenic soils on gray-green clay. Clusters A and B are characterized by presence of local maxima of soil penetration resistance in middle soil horizons. For cluster A the local maximum is observed in the horizon of 15-30 cm, and for cluster B ¨C in horizon of 25-30 cm. For cluster C the maximum is reached at the depth of 30-35 cm and it is never changed with the subsequent increase of depth. Pedons of type C occupy the areas with round-amoeboid forms which distanced from each other. Pedons of type B according to their characteristics are transitional forms from A to C. They have fewer areas, but their shape is long and covers larger area than other types of pedons. According to rhe shape the A pedons correspond to the areals of type C, but occupy much larger area. %K geostatistical analysis %K pedons %K spatial organization %K Dnepropetrovsk %K Ukraine %U http://www.nbuv.gov.ua/portal/Chem_Biol/Bvmdpu/2012_1/zadorozhn.pdf