%0 Journal Article %T CONCEPTS REGARDING CONSUMER¡¯S AND MARKETING SPECIALIST¡¯S BEHAVIOUR IN TIME OF DEPRESSION %A Cosmina Dema Poru£¿iu %J Studia Universitatis Vasile Goldis Arad, Seria Stiinte Economice %D 2012 %I Vasile Goldis University Press %X The psychological effect of economic depression caused fundamental changes in the consumption behaviour at world and european as well as national level. When the research was done, there was reached the idea that a new type of consumer was born, one that prefers useful and durable products, renounces to impulsive purchases, analyses more carefully the quality-price ratio. On several occasions, one has no longer the possibility to buy everything one would need, so that he establishes some priorities. The depression problem is not one of the comsumer¡¯s, it is one of companies and service providers too. They have to find those techniques necessary to survive during depression. %K Economic depression %K sale techniques %K consumer %K seller/producer %K psychological sale %K price %K consumption behaviour %U http://www.uvvg.ro/studiaeconomia/images/2012/p3/18.%20Cosmina%20Dema%20Porutiu%20-%20CONCEPTS%20REGARDING%20CONSUMER%20S.pdf