%0 Journal Article %T Grouping Based Job Scheduling Algorithm Using Priority Queue and Hybrid Algorithm in Grid Computing %A Pinky Rosemarry %A Ravinder Singh %A Payal Singhal %A Dilip Sisodia %J International Journal of Grid Computing & Applications %D 2013 %I Academy & Industry Research Collaboration Center (AIRCC) %X Grid computing enlarge with computing platform which is collection of heterogeneous computing resources connected by a network across dynamic and geographically dispersed organization to form a distributed high performance computing infrastructure. Grid computing solves the complex computing problems amongst multiple machines. Grid computing solves the large scale computational demands in a high performance computing environment. The main emphasis in the grid computing is given to the resource management and the job scheduler .The goal of the job scheduler is to maximize the resource utilization and minimize the processing time of the jobs. Existing approaches of Grid scheduling doesnĄ¯t give much emphasis on the performance of a Grid scheduler in processing time parameter. Schedulers allocate resources to the jobs to be executed using the First come First serve algorithm. In this paper, we have provided an optimize algorithm to queue of the scheduler using various scheduling methods like Shortest Job First, First in First out, Round robin. The job scheduling system is responsible to select best suitable machines in a grid for user jobs. The management and scheduling system generates job schedules for each machine in the grid by taking static restrictions and dynamic parameters of jobs and machinesinto consideration. The main purpose of this paper is to develop an efficient job scheduling algorithm to maximize the resource utilization and minimize processing time of the jobs. Queues can be optimized byusing various scheduling algorithms depending upon the performance criteria to be improved e.g. response time, throughput. The work has been done in MATLAB using the parallel computing toolbox. %K Grid Computing %K Job Scheduling %K Job Grouping. %U http://airccse.org/journal/ijgca/papers/3412ijgca05.pdf