%0 Journal Article %T Guglielmo di Poitiers, ¡°Ab la dolchor del temps novel¡± (BdT 183.1) %A Francesca Gambino %J Lecturae Tropatorum %D 2010 %I Universit¨¤ di Napoli Federico II %X This paper will put forward some possible new interpretations for selected passages in ¡°Ab la douzor del temps novel¡± by William of Aquitaine. The term ¡®vers¡¯, for example, has always been paraphrased in different ways, but its primary meaning might be that provided by the naturalistic context: in the spring birds twitter among the branches, they produce a ¡®verse¡¯. Thus the literal meaning of ¡®vers¡¯ could be that of ¡®a characteristic sound produced by the vocal organs of a particular animal (mainly a bird)¡¯. As for l. 15, instead of the traditional image of the hawthorn branch ¡®tremblan¡¯ (¡®trembling¡¯) on the tree, the alternative reading entrenan (the branch ¡®stands firmly on the tree¡¯, ¡®resists the elements¡¯) is preferred, which could well be a lectio difficilior. The paper will end by providing a commentary to the text. The edition used is Eusebi, with some corrections. %K Guilhem de Peitieus %K Troubadours %K Old Occitan %K Textual criticism %K Interpretation %U http://www.lt.unina.it/Gambino-2010.pdf