%0 Journal Article %T Blacasset, ˇ°Seˇ¤l mals dˇŻamor mˇŻauzi ni mˇŻes noisensˇ±; (BdT 96.10a); Pujol, ˇ°Dieus es amors e verais salvamensˇ± (BdT 386.2); Alaisina ~ Carenza, ˇ°Na Carenza al bel cors avenen ˇ± (BdT 12.1 = 108.1) %A Paolo Di Luca %J Lecturae Tropatorum %D 2012 %I Universit¨¤ di Napoli Federico II %X This paper provides a new critical edition of ˇ°Se l mals dˇŻamor mˇŻauzi ni mˇŻes noisensˇ± by Blacasset and ˇ°Dieus es amors e verais salvamens by Pujolˇ±. These two poets discuss a topic that is entirely new to Occitan lyric poetry: two young women about to enter a convent. While Blacasset expresses sadness about their choice of life in a convent, using elements of the funeral lament, Pujol praises it and believes it to be the only remedy for the corruption of the world. The tenso between women ˇ°Na Carenza al bel cors avenen ˇ± seems to be conceived as a parody of this lyric debate: in the dialogue Alaisina and Yselda, who have doubts about becoming mothers, ask Na Carenza whether it is better to stay virgins or to marry; the latter advises them, in cryptic terms that are difficult to interpret, to become nuns, thereby gaining a husband (God) but not children. I will suggest that the question of female authorship for this text be reconsidered, while proposing a new interpretation in the light of the lively debate in the medieval period about the suitability and prerogatives of virginity. %K Blacasset %K Pujol %K Alaisina %K Carenza %K Old Occitan %K Textual criticism %K Interpretation %U http://www.lt.unina.it/DiLuca-2012.pdf