%0 Journal Article %T Raimbaut d¡¯Aurenga (?), ¡°. . . [nu]ils hom tan . . . [n]on amet (BdT 392.26a)¡± %A Costanzo Di Girolamo %J Lecturae Tropatorum %D 2009 %I Universit¨¤ di Napoli Federico II %X This paper will examine a poem attributed to [Raim]baut de [Vaque]iras by chansonnier E, which Bartsch and later Pillet attribute to Daude de Pradas, due to the confusion caused by the fragmentary incipit. It was first edited by Cusimano (1959), who accepted the manuscript¡¯s attribution, while Linskill republished it (1964) and tentatively assigned it to Raimbaut d¡¯Aurenga; more recently Perugi (1985) has indicated a late follower of Arnaut Daniel. This paper will confirm the attribution to Raimbaut d¡¯Aurenga on the basis in particular of the series of rhyme-words, and will also reassess the song¡¯s importance as the first example of a genre that will appear more frequently from the final decades of the twelfth century, the ¡®mala canso¡¯. The text is that of Cusimano¡¯s impeccable edition. %K Raimbaut de Vaqueiras %K Raimbaud d¡¯Aurenga %K Troubadours %K Old Occitan %K Textual criticism %K Interpretation %U http://www.lt.unina.it/DiGirolamo-2009.pdf