%0 Journal Article %T ON THE PRODUCTION AND REVISION OF PAPERS IN SCIENTIFIC JOURNALS %A Oscar Gonz¨˘lez %J The Biologist (Lima) %D 2012 %I School of Biological Sciences and Federico Villarreal University %X I comment on the importance of producing, publishing and reviewing scientific literature. Science and Biology in particular, owes its new findings to the published results of the researchers. However in this process there could be some faults that are necessary to correct. Lack of integrity and conflict of interest may obstruct the adequate criteria to produce or review a scientific publication. It is necessary to avoid that. The Biologist's reputation should be known by his professional ethics and his production, which should be portrayed in scientific publications of high quality. %K conflict of interest %K peer review process %K professional ethics %K scientific publications %K scientific integrity %U http://sisbib.unmsm.edu.pe/BVRevistas/biologist/v10_n2/pdf/a05v10n2.pdf