%0 Journal Article %T Arnaut Daniel, ¡°Lancan son passat li giure¡± (BdT 29.11) %A Aniello Fratta %J Lecturae Tropatorum %D 2008 %I Universit¨¤ di Napoli Federico II %X The article provides a commentary of Arnaut Daniel¡¯s ¡°Lancan son passat li giure¡±, a moralistic song whose main theme is ¡®fals¡¯Amor¡¯ (sensual love). The song holds strong intertextual relations with Raimbaut d¡¯Aurenga¡¯s ¡°Apres mon vers vueilh sempr¡¯ordre¡±, as is shown primarily by the use of the same rhymes ¡®-il¡¯ et ¡®-iure¡¯, which do not appear elsewhere in the troubadour corpus. Raimbaut¡¯s song, whose verses 37-54 are interpreted differently by W. T. Pattison, its main editor, also deals with ¡®fals¡¯Amor¡¯. But if Raimbaut praises the pleasures of physical love, which is portrayed as an irresistible cajoler, Arnaut condems and refuses it, after having experienced it. In this instance, ¡°Lancan son passat li giure¡± seems to be a kind of polemic reply to ¡°Apres mon vers¡±. In Arnaut¡¯s view anyway, ¡®fals¡¯Amor¡¯, though criticized, turns out to be the winning pattern of courtly behaviour, given its seductive and persuasive skill, to which it is difficult to resist. The text of Arnaut¡¯song is the one established by M. Eusebi, with substantial modifications. %K Arnaut Daniel %K Troubadours %K Old Occitan %K Textual criticism %K Interpretation %U http://www.lt.unina.it/Fratta-2008.pdf