%0 Journal Article %T ALUNEC RILE DE TEREN DE TIP GLIMEE DIN BAZINUL INFERIOR AL R ULUI ILI UA (Glimee-type in the down basin of the Ili ua Valley) %A GHEORGHE HOGNOGI %A GABRIEL NICULA %A ADRIAN £żIMON %J Geographia Napocensis %D 2012 %I Romanian Academy %X The lower part of the Ili ua Valley drains an area covering the Somesului Mare Hills, namely the Suplaiului Hills ¨C the eastern-central part of the basin and Ciceului Hills ¨C the western part. This hilly landscape consists mainly of Neogene sedimentary formations (Miocene-Pliocene), which constitute the characteristic petrographical frame for the occurrence of deep-seated mass displacements known as glimee. Glimee relief is well represented in the upper basin as well, but the petrographic characteristics of the lower basin (especially marno-clay deposits and the presence of diapirs) permit the emerge of very specific and spectacular elements, such as the accumulation of water behind the landslide deposits forming lakes. These are the only limnological elements that can be identified in the Ili ua basin. %K Ili ua Valley %K glimee %K landslides %K plan sliding %K structure %K diapiric folds %K lake %U http://geographianapocensis.acad-cluj.ro/Revista/volume/nr_1_2012/pdf/Hognogi_Nicula.pdf