%0 Journal Article %T ELEMENTE DE INTERDISCIPLINARITATE N STUDIUL REGIONAL AL RII VRANCEI %A Alexandru MURE£żAN %J Geographia Napocensis %D 2011 %I Romanian Academy %X Elements of interdisciplinarity in the regional study of the Vrancea Land. Pointing out specific elements of a land type region in Romania within a study of regional geography is a vast work. These regions being so complex, both regarding the component elements, as well as the processes and phenomena that are to be found at regional level, studying them means using interdisciplinary methods, or methods that are specific to other fields of research. This work has as purpose highlighting the connections that the regional geography has with other sciences and the way it can be influenced by those. %K regional geography %K interdisciplinary study %U http://geographianapocensis.acad-cluj.ro/Revista/volume/nr_1_2011/pdf/Alexandru_Muresan.pdf