%0 Journal Article %T Ricau de Tarascon ~ Cabrit, ¡°Cabrit, al meu veiaire¡± (BdT 422.2 = 105.1) %A Walter Meliga %J Lecturae Tropatorum %D 2008 %I Universitš€ di Napoli Federico II %X The article provides a commentary and a new critical edition of an Occitan tenso between Ricau de Tarascon and Cabrit. The latter, previously identified with the troubadour Gui de Cavaillon, is now generally believed to be a noble man from Arles. Built as a judicial duel, the tenso is started by Ricau who accuses Cabrit of misconduct in his regards. Cabrit¡¯s defense is based on comic ordeals, which are rejected by Ricau, who aims instead for a resolution of the conflict by combat. This dispute probably was caused by real private controversies that arose between two landowners, though in the tenso allusions to two ladies romantically involved with them, as well as the jongleuresque tone of the entire dialogue poem, transpose their conflict into a courtly and somehow ironic context. %K Ricau de Tarascon %K Cabrit %K Troubadours %K Old Occitan %K Textual criticism %K Interpretation %U http://www.lt.unina.it/Meliga-2008.pdf