%0 Journal Article %T Multitemporal analysis of the process of degradation of vegetation River basin Jaibaras in the State of Cear¨¢ %A Daniel DantasMoreira Gomes %A L¨²ciaMaria Silveira Mendes %A Cleyber Nascimento de Medeiros %A Cesar Ulisses Vieira Verissimo %J Geografia Ensino & Pesquisa %D 2011 %I Universidade Federal de Santa Maria %X This study aimed to identify and quantify the levels of degradation of the vegetation in thearea of River Basin Jaibaras / CE in the period 24 years, more precisely, in the years 1985, 1992, 1996,2007 and 2009. Through the use of techniques of digital image processing were produced thematic maps of the levels of degradation cover, being ranked the same: vegetation conserved, partially degraded, degraded, severely degraded and bare soil. From the analysis undertaken it was found and the evolution of the wear levels deterioration of the vegetation of the area studied. %K Vegetation %K Degradation %K River Basin %K Cear¨¢ %U http://cascavel.ufsm.br/revistageografia/index.php/revistageografia/article/view/234/162