%0 Journal Article %T Cerveri de Girona, ¡°Entr¡¯Arago e Navarra jazia¡± (BdT 434.7a) %A Marco Grimaldi %J Lecturae Tropatorum %D 2008 %I Universit¨¤ di Napoli Federico II %X The rubric in Chansonnier Sg classifies ¡°Entr¡¯Arago e Navarra jazia¡± by Cerveri de Girona as a ¡®sompni¡¯ (¡®dream¡¯). Thirteenth-century Occitan and Catalan arts of poetry define the ¡®sompni¡¯ as a minor thematic genre in which the poet recounts events which took place in a dream (¡°en durmen¡±). On the basis of the rubric in Sg and the definition in the treatises, the only hints at the existence of the genre, this paper will outline a small corpus of five/six troubadour poems based on the narration of a dream and significant examples of ¡®sompni¡¯. The hypothesis that a ¡®genre¡¯ defined as sompni exsisted and circulated beyond Occitania is furthermore linked to similar compositions by Paolo Lanfranchi, a thirteenth-century poet from Pistoia, and to some ¡®cantigas de amigo¡¯ by Johan Mendiz de Briteyros, a Galician-Portuguese troubadour. The paper will also seek to demonstrate the loss of a line in the final stanza, so far unnoticed by previous editors, and suggest a date for the poem around 1276. %K Cerveri de Girona %K Troubadours %K Old Occitan %K Textual criticism %K Interpretation %U http://www.lt.unina.it/Grimaldi-2008.pdf