%0 Journal Article %T Guillem Figueira, ¡°Anc tan bel colp de joncada¡± (BdT 217.1a); Aimeric de Peguillan, ¡°Anc tan bella espazada¡± (BdT 10.9) %A Antonella Negri %J Lecturae Tropatorum %D 2010 %I Universit¨¤ di Napoli Federico II %X This paper will examine the ¡®exchange¡¯ between Guillem Figueira and Aimeric de Peguillan in order to explore the possibility that the two ¡®coblas¡¯ were linked and then merged together in a second phase for editorial purposes. In reality, in Chansonnier H, the ¡®coblas¡¯ by the two troubadours (conventionally numbered 199 and 200) are placed within a larger section, nos. 194 to 200, that includes jongleuresque disputes and insults that perhaps took place around 1220 in Florence and Brescia. The hypothesis is that the order of these texts is the result of an anthological plan devised by whoever compiled H and ordered together texts that were typologically similar due to the frequent presence of the same protagonists and a tavern-like atmosphere in background. Consequently, that which has so far been classified as an ¡®exchange¡¯ between Guillem Figueira and Aimeric de Peguillan, could actually be more simply a succession of ¡®coblas¡¯ that share the same stanzaic structure, rhymes and similarities from the viewpoint of material philology as well. %K Guillem de Figueira %K Aimeric de Peguillan %K Troubadours %K Old Occitan %K Textual criticism %K Interpretation %U http://www.lt.unina.it/Negri-2010.pdf