%0 Journal Article %T Sordello, ¡°Toz hom me van disen en esta maladia¡± (BdT 114a.1); Carlo d¡¯Angi¨°, ¡°Sordels diz mal de mi, e far no lo¡¤m deuria¡± (BdT 437.37) %A Antonio Petrossi %J Lecturae Tropatorum %D 2009 %I Universit¨¤ di Napoli Federico II %X The paper provides a new commentary and a new edition of the brief exchange of coblas between Sordello and an unidentified respondent. The text is copied on folio 65r of Chansonnier P at the end of a long section of ¡®coblas esparsas¡¯ (ff. 55-66). It is made up of two stanzas of six lines each and from the thematic viewpoint offers a lament for the disappearance of a lord¡¯s generosity. Although the text is rather marginal to Sordello¡¯s lyric production, it nevertheless contains elements that are relevant to understanding the troubadour¡¯s life and works. The poem, in fact, represents a literary transfiguration of the rift between Sordello and his respondent, identified as Charles I of Anjou, a rift that occurred after the conquest of the Kingdom of Sicily, when the king completed his plan to go beyond an ideological framework based on a courtly and chivalric outlook, of which the troubadour was the best representative at the time. %K Sordello %K Charles I of Anjou %K Troubadours %K Old Occitan %K Textual criticism %K Interpretation %U http://www.lt.unina.it/Petrossi-2009.pdf