%0 Journal Article %T Taphonomy of Condensed Shell Storm beds of the Teresina Formation in Rio Preto (State of Paran¨¢, Middle Permian, Paran¨¢ Basin): Paleoenvironmental Implications %A Jacqueline Peixoto Neves %A Rosemarie Rohn Davies %A Marcello Guimar£¿es Sim£¿es %J Geologia USP : S¨¦rie Cient¨ªfica %D 2011 %I Instituto de Geoci¨ºncias da USP %X The deposits of the Permian Teresina Formation are mainly characterized by fi ne-grained siliciclastic rocks and centimetricintercalations of tempestites (bioclastic sandstones and coquinas). Despite the relevance of the bivalve-rich carbonate bedsof the Teresina Formation to paleoenvironmental studies, their taphonomy is still poorly studied. The fossil concentrationstudied in this work was found in a quarry in the city of Irati, Rio Preto district, Paran¨¢ State. The fossil concentration is locatedin the middle/upper portion of the unit, far from the top. The studied bed is a bioclastic, intraclastic, peloidal, grainstone/packstone, with abundant bivalve shell fragments, pelitic and micritic intraclasts, peloids, rare ooids and oncoids, as well aspermineralized of Lycophyta microphylles and fi sh scales. The grains of this carbonate concentration show: high degree oftime-averaging, variable degree of packing (dense to disperse), no sorting and chaotic orientation. Notably, the concentrationincludes a mixture of elements which are indicative of: a) restrictive, low energy, carbonate environment (peloids, ooidsand oncoids); b) subaerial environment surrounding the main body of water (Lycophyta microphylles) and c) quiet-waterenvironment punctuated by storm events, where the suspension-feeding bivalves thrived. At least four depositional eventscaused by storm fl ows were recorded. The amalgamated nature of the bed is a result of storm events in an intracratonic basinwith very low seafl oor slope and low rates of sedimentation and subsidence. %K Parana Basin %K Permian %K Passa Dois Group %K Carbonate %K Bivalve mollusk %K Tempestite %U http://ppegeo-local.igc.usp.br/pdf/guspsc/v11n3/v11n3a08.pdf