%0 Journal Article %T Peire de Blai, ¡°En est son fas chansoneta novelha¡± (BdT 328.1) %A Giuseppe Tavani %J Lecturae Tropatorum %D 2010 %I Universit¨¤ di Napoli Federico II %X This particular text, defined by its author as a ¡°chansoneta novelha¡±, is attributed by C to Uc Brunenc and by M to Peire de Blai (Peire de Brau in CReg). It is no masterpiece, but within the troubadour corpus figures as an interesting example, from the viewpoint of technique, of an unusual and complex enlacement of riche rhymes. At the same time it is a unique example of an almost perfect application of the rules of ¡®capfinitio¡¯, used here as a linking of verses and stanzas (¡®capfinitio per bordos¡¯ and ¡®per coblas¡¯). For a long time the poem received no critical attention, then a few years ago it was edited twice almost simultaneously: once by the present author and again by Paolo Gresti, who quite rightly rejected the attribution to Uc Brunenc. This article will offer a new edition of the text based on both manuscripts, but also closely following the structural principles intended by the poet (who most certainly is the Peire de Blai indicated by M). Furthermore, it will examine the questions raised by the chansoneta¡¯s particular position in M, with a view of providing a ¡®material¡¯ reassessment of the chansonnier and of describing the possible circumstances in which it was compiled, the period in which it was assembled and then recopied ¨C by a single hand ¨C at a later date than is generally believed. %K Peire de Blai %K Troubadours %K Old Occitan %K Textual criticism %K Interpretation %U http://www.lt.unina.it/Tavani-2010.pdf